Black Chicken Unlimited is Schaar's personal
publishing house imprint,
registered with Bowker (US), Thorpe-Bowker (AU) and Nielsen (UK).
Apart from Schaar's own books, Black Chicken Unlimited has helped to publish:
(click the covers to be directed to the author)
Plays in the BCU Catalog:
Twelfth Night of the Living Dead
Cast: 14-18
Acts: 5
Runs: 75+ mins.
Next up:
is currently on A.J.'s desk!
(Please Note: PREVIEW Texts Purposefully DO NOT Adhere to Published Formatting; These are TEXTS ONLY for Your Reference.)
To apply for professional or amateur performance rights to BCU's scripts, please include the following information in your message (submission form below)
*Your Name and Role (example, Jane Doe, A.D.):
*The Name of Your Theatre:
*Theatre Website:
*Number of Seats in the Venue:
*Number of Performances Planned:
*Ticket Prices (lowest and highest):
*BCU Play Title Requested:
*How did you hear about this title?
(Optional) Let us know if your performance plans are for the benefit of a cause, either financially, or in raising awareness.
(* denotes required information)
Please note, you must notify Black Chicken Unlimited prior to planning any staged read or production of any play script under our imprint.
Thank you!
All BCU plays are protected by standard copyright law. Any unauthorized performance or use of these plays may constitute an infringement of the copyright and a violation of the law, with potentially serious legal consequences for the infringer.
No play may be produced unless written application is made to and written authorization received from Black Chicken Unlimited. All performance rights are granted by written contract only. There is no such thing as "verbal approval."
"Beak Kind" and always contact Black Chicken to formally apply for rights.
Approved applicants will be directed to BCUPublishing for payment.