Black Chicken Unlimited (BCU)
is an exclusively indie publishing house imprint
registered with Bowker (US), Thorpe-Bowker (AU), and Nielsen (UK).
In addition to her work with BCU as an author-playwright,
Schaar served as a BCU editor on the following titles:
(click the covers to be directed to the author, Jack the Turtle, at; these full works, and more, are available Free to Read.)
SCHAAR Plays in the BLACK CHICKEN Catalog:
Twelfth Night
of the Living Dead
Cast: 14-18
Acts: 5
Runs: 75+ mins.
Next up:
We The Pyrates
Adventures from the Pirate Republic
BCU eagerly anticipates its publication,
as a truly novel and engaging theatrical entertainment (an event play), and as a treasure-trove of true history (1718).
5 Acts in Verse
20 Actors Required
3 hours with 2 intermissions
All Ye who’d fay We Sail this Republic
Upon a leaky Ship, for our Keelf be
Bafted with Barnaclef of Pyracy
Have a Care to Recall We have Sailed Her
Upon Democrafeaf af well We could
For the Waterf be Strange in Storm or Fair...
To apply for professional or amateur performance rights to BCU's scripts,
please fill out the submission form below.
Please note, you must notify Black Chicken Unlimited prior to planning any staged read or production
of any play script under our imprint.
Thank you!
All BCU plays are protected by standard copyright law. Any unauthorized performance or use of these plays may constitute an infringement of the copyright and a violation of the law, with potentially serious legal consequences for the infringer.
No play may be produced unless written application is made to and written authorization received from Black Chicken Unlimited. All performance rights are granted by written contract only. There is no such thing as "verbal approval."
"Beak Kind" and always contact Black Chicken to formally apply for rights.