​​​We The Pyrates:
5 Acts in Verse
20 Actors Required
3 hours, including 2 intermissions
Pirate Captains of many different nations successfully formed a Republic off the shores of America—in retaliation against the same powers that America would come to defy: not just England, empire, colonialism, but slavery, poverty, forced military service, forced taxation (privateering), religious persecution, etc.
Like our own American Republic, there never was a time they were a perfectly unanimous Union—nor was abandoning the Republic ever held in unanimous favor. And incredibly (or unsurprisingly), their progression of leaders was remarkably like our own, moving from the Principled toward the Party-driven toward the Personally-motivated, until only the “loud crowd” remained to run what was left of the show.
Why and how did they manage to come together into a Republic? Why and how did their Republic end?